HUMAN LANDSCAPE – Ritual gestures of a dancing community
Human Landscape is a project that focuses on the individual gesture which, through a process of mutual contamination, becomes a collective gesture, carrying meaning, power and beauty. The time of the choreographic ritual is marked by a large timpani (or percussion) placed at the center of the space, a central fire around which the dancers concentrate and from which they move away generating trajectories. The ritual dance of Human Landscape weaves a discourse that transcends the verbal, enhancing a tension that allows the bodies to take root and expand in breadth and height, to support the embroidery of the individual, enhancing it in the collective interweaving.
Concept: Francesca Cola
Soundscape: Eliane Radigue, Pietro Giovaninetti
Costume: Batna studio
Production: Oltre le Quinte a.p.s.
Creating a gestural score within a collective choreographic ritual with neurodivergent people and others with different motor and cognitive abilities represents not only the opportunity to practice an accessible language, but also allows participants to go through a process of self-determination and autonomy and expressive valorization.
To practice Human landscape, we propose the organization of periodic integrated dance workshops during which participants will be guided through targeted exercises drawn from contemporary dance to develop a specific and unique gestural score of community and incorporate the principles of circularity, regularity, repetition and variation in repetition.
The path is open to people with cognitive disabilities, operators in the field of assistance to people with disabilities, family members and caregivers.